Another golden nugget from The Knowledge Project podcast in episode Dr. Jim Loehr: Change The Stories You Tell Yourself [The Knowledge Project Ep. #193] : time only has value in its intersection with energy or how I have it memorized: time has no value without energy . And how I picture it: one hour on the couch has not the same value as one hour studying or exercising. And this becomes even more important when we consider our relationship with others. Dr. Jim Loehr continues (emphasis mine): Well, I will tell you, time has no value, has no valence, has no force. Until time intersects with energy, you really have nothing.” I mean, you’re just there. You can be present with your family, but because you’re there, is that going to move the needle toward being a loving, caring mother or father? And the fact is no; you’re going to have to invest energy aligned with the mission. Time doesn’t give you anything except the opportunity to make the investment of the one thing that moves the...