
Showing posts from 2017

Riflessioni sul tema: Ridurre le tasse in maniera strutturale? Quali, quante, come, con quali tempi

Ieri sera ho finalmente visto Michele Boldrin dal vivo in un incontro sul tema: "Cambiamo ritmo al paese. Le cose che servono all’Italia di cui nessun parla Ridurre le tasse in maniera strutturale? Quali, quante, come, con quali tempi" Seguo Boldrin da tempo su  e premetto che mi piace il suo modo schietto di spiegare e raccontare le cose, senza il cerchiobottismo di altri figuri che si occupano di economia (politici in primis). Va da sè che uno così non può piacere a tutti, però IMHO è preferibile qualcuno che ti dice le cose in faccia piuttosto di uno che è d'accordo con tutti su tutto e poi quando agisce fa tutt'altro. Quello che segue è un testo in cui raccolgo i miei pensieri su quanto sentito ieri sera, con la speranza che la forma scritta mi aiuti a ragionarci.

NGINX stream module with dynamic upstreams

NGINX has had support for dynamic upstream modules for a while in the community distribution and examples abund. I think this is probably one of the clearest I could find. Finding a similar config for stream proxies turned out to be surprisingly hard, so here I'm sharing my solution in the hope that it can be useful to somebody. Or someone more experienced can point out a better alternative. In my case my upstream is an ELB which can and will change ip address often so using the static DNS name was not an option.

Standing desk review: Actiforce

I am too jumping on the standing desk bandwagon. I first gave it a try using a support on the table and once I felt the benefit (I felt more creative and focused) I decided to make the move. After all you can still use a standing desk as a normal desk. I first tried buying one from the usual, US-based, suspects but it can be hard to figure out the cost of shipping and then I'd also have to manage import which has never been too fun the rare times I had to (fyi: you must send a bloody fax. In 2017!). So I looked around and found some good looking stuff from Italian manifacturers, but the prices are omg! So I searched Amazon and of course, there it was . It is from a German vendor who is in fact reselling products from  Actiforce . I know people using Actiforce and they are happy with it so I bought it.

Testing logstash filters

There are many posts on techniques for testing your logstash config, but I found most of them to lack in the exact details of getting it working and others are just obsolete, so here are my dumbed down notes: download, unpack and cd into the logstash version you are using or planning to use install development tools:  ./bin/logstash-plugin install --development check if the bin directory contains an rspec file. If not create it and make it executable using this source now cd into the project holding your logstash configs. I'll assume your logstash config lives in a  conf.d  directory: create a spec directory at the same level or run ${LOGSTASH_HOME}/bin/rspec --init for rspec to create its directory structure. You should now have conf.d and spec at the same level in spec drop a test specification, like the one below test your specs with the following command: ${LOGSTASH_HOME}/bin/rspec Enjoy :-) Edited on Jan 29th 2017 as I missed the plugin ...