Leader skills: why asking questions is important

Caught this passage from Ryan Holiday: How to Win the War with Yourself [The Knowledge Project Ep. #208] (yeah I'm on my fifth listen, and still getting new insights every time). Emphasis mine:
One of the things you learn as a project manager, if you’re working with someone who has technical expertise, is that you have to know enough and they have to know that you know enough that they can’t bullshit you. They can’t say, “No, that’s not possible” or “That’s going to take six months” or “That’s going to cost this amount of money.” You have to have enough technical domain expertise that you can push back and get to the truth of things.

and, in a nutshell, that explains why it's important to be good at asking questions as a leader, and why knowing what questions to ask is one of the key characteristic of a technical maestro.

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