Quoting Rob Fraser (via The Knowledge Project)

Another mind-expanding episode from The Knowledge Project. Two sentences are without a doubt worth quoting as a note-to-self exercise:

So in particular, as I started to get some level of moderate success in business, my network started to grow, and I started to become friends with people that were much further ahead than me, and it almost led to this insecurity


Ultimately, [the goal is] to have those good ideas, so how do I put myself in a position to have those good ideas? That’s a lot of reading; that’s a lot of consuming of just basic information out there. So reading, even just publicly traded companies in our space, reading the reports. How are the CEOs thinking? How is the market looking at these businesses and what are they saying? 

It’s networking with people, extracting those insights. I call it almost like engineered serendipity. How do you put yourself in a bunch of different situations to just extract an idea? How can you go idea harvesting?

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