
Showing posts from September, 2024

Quoting Will Larson: extract the kernel

One of my most unexpectedly controversial posts is Extract the Kernel , which argues that executives are generally directionally correct but specifically wrong, and it’s your job to understand the overarching direction without getting distracted by the narrow errors in their idea. from executive translation : it reminds me of Shreyas Doshi antithesis principle : everyone can be effective with a good boss, but it's more interesting (and relevant as a hireable skills) to be effective even with a "bad" boss. This KP episode explains it in much more details . It's an alternate take on the old adage: “In calm waters, everyone looks like a good sailor, but in stormy waters, you want to be the one with the experienced captain.” The experienced captain is our ability to handle these situations in imperfect conditions.

Syncthing: backup your phone pictures

My phone has (for all intents and purposes) fully replaced my DSLR, however this poses the question of how to back them up and share them with the rest of the rest of the household. One solution is of course to just enable the cloud storage of choice (Google Photos, Apple iCloud, etc) and for some time I relied on my old, trusty Flickr Pro account with its 1Tb of storage and the automated sync. With Flickr having gone through a few acquisitions I am becoming more and more concerned about whether the sync will keep working and how well. Also, I wanted something that I could run on my home PC (a Mac Mini).