Book: A Practical Approach to Large-Scale Agile Development: How HP Transformed LaserJet FutureSmart Firmware
Notes and thoughts on the book with one of the longest titles ever, so I'll refer to it as "HP Laserjet" from now on. BY the time I got to read it, I had been aware of this book for a while as it's not exactly new. It never really attracted my attention as it focuses on systems that I was never involved with. This changed recently (past two years) and after purchasing Industrial Devops I made the connection to this book again due to a mention in a promotional post for Industrial Devops. The TL;DR for this book is that it's worth a read: it reinforced some convictions I already had, and went a bit in more depth on others. In both the HP Laserjet book and Industrial Devops I felt the part about certifications was notably absent. Since that's usually an expensive, delicate part of physical products design, I am perplexed at the fact that it's not covered in more depth. Another remark is that some aspects that are strongly highlighted in this itrevolution n...