Reflections on imposter syndrome

Each week, in our weekly team meeting, we set out to explore complex/interesting topics. Recently we touched on learning to learn, and imposter syndrome came up, while discussing what can and what can't enable a "being good at learning" disposition.

I'll admit that so far my reflections on imposter syndrome stopped at the personal belief that, if one can harness it, it can be turned into a positive force, a force that will encourage us to double-check our work, reduce bias, foster capacity to incorporate feedback, and thus lead to better, more sound results overall.

In the weekly meeting multiple, different point of views were offered, and while considering this diversity it dawned to me how much of my own point of view is born out of my generally positive experience of working in ICT. I started out in 1996 when, at university, I was first exposed to computers, Linux, and the internet.

I was lucky because the internet was just starting out, and so was I.

Things were new, but then again they were new for everybody else too. That made learning relatively simple because because there was not much to learn in the first place. Or better, there was, but it was manageable.
On the downside learning material was scarce, and often expensive to acquire. I remember buying books from Amazon or Barnes and Noble at 50$/book (shipping, ouch) and waiting 3-4 weeks for delivery to Europe. There was only Amazon US back then.

I guess today things are tougher: the learning curve is steep right off the bat, and keeps shifting (by a lot!) every 1-2 years. And that's why, when asked by a colleague what to learn to be "hireable" I replied they should learn to be good at learning. Not a really practical answer, I know. Perhaps even a bit fluffy, I agree. To fix that we are now exploring how to be good at learning as a team. But I'm digressing.

Back to imposter syndrome; what I think is different and harder now is this immense complexity which is present right at the beginning of one's journey in ICT. I can imagine how that can fuel an imposter syndrome complex very fast, up to the point of being unhealthy.

What I don't know (yet) is how do we deal with this problem? And I mean from where I stand: as someone who has had a successful and satisfying career in ICT until now. In other words, how can I help someone who suffers as a result of imposter syndrome?

Off the top of my head I can suggest the following strategies. Note that this more of a brain dump post, so I can't/won't go into more details yet. Perhaps I will probably do it in a follow up when I have had more time to reflect and try some things out.

Learn the fundamentals

All ICT is basically built on a few fundamentals. Mastering these basics should be enough to allow anyone to break down more complex architectures into their basic building blocks.
You should know that cpu access is faster than ram, ram is faster than disk and disk is faster the network, and the orders of magnitude of difference. Another pretty good tool in anyone's learning arsenal is to be able to explain what happens when you type an URL in the browser: dns resolution, tcp-ip, how HTTP protocol works, and being able to simulate an actual HTTP request with netcat.
I suppose that mastering the fundamentals will allow anyone to realize that there is no magic, just a lot of discipline, persistence, and hard work.

Find an environment that will actively help you to learn

This is very important, but sadly does not happen everywhere. In the case of someone suffering from imposter syndrome I would guess that external reinforcement and encouragement must go a long way towards building an awareness of their own limits and, especially, strengths.

It is ok to not know

No-one knows everything, especially those who claim so. All wise people I have had the luck to work with will be very aware of what they do not know and will have no trouble admitting it.
If you find yourself in a place where people rarely admit they do not know, then this might be contributing to your imposter syndrome. It is hard to suggest what to do in this case, but perhaps you should consider the next (and last) tip.

Change your job

There are lots of places where coaching and learning is part of the daily work. Seek those out, and find ways to figure them out in the interview process: do they have a training budget, how does purchasing a book work, what does the onboarding look like.
If you are stuck in a place that does not help you fight imposter syndrome, then perhaps the best course of action for you is to change your job.

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