It's that time of the year again and, since it appears that the Maya spared us, I want to share with you a couple of gists that I came up with recently that could be generally useful. Btw, there are lots of other gists on my profile, check them out.
If you find these script useful star them on github, drop me a comment or just share them. Once again, Merry Christmas everyone!
The first one is for Java people and is a HttpServletRequestWrapper that supports:
injection of the principal: for those cases when you use trust authentication and you are rolling your own SSO solution and/or you need to integrate with an existing SSO solution (I used it with for CAS)
supports reading of the InputStream multiple times. We all know that in a POST the request input stream can only be read once, so this will definitely help you if you need to access the post body or a request parameter in a Filter and make sure the upstream servlets/filters still work
The second gift gist is for Windows admins and is written in vbs (I even do VBS when it is necessary, now you get my twitter handle, don't you?). It is a login script that can be used in a Windows Domain to recreate Desktop links on each user logon. The configuration for each link is stored in the script as a dictionary of dictionaries and link-to-user assignment is done by adding the user to an AD group. The source is heavily commented and should be easy enough to understand for anyone who's ever programmed, even if not in vbs.
I was recently asked to recover a mirth instance whose embedded database had grown to fill all available space so this is just a note-to-self kind of post. Btw: the recovery, depending on db size and disk speed, is going to take long. The problem A 1.8 Mirth Connect instance was started, then forgotten (well neglected, actually). The user also forgot to setup pruning so the messages filled the embedded Derby database until it grew to fill all the available space on the disk. The SO is linux. The solution First of all: free some disk space so that the database can be started in embedded mode from the cli. You can also copy the whole mirth install to another server if you cannot free space. Depending on db size you will need a corresponding amount of space: in my case a 5GB db required around 2GB to start, process logs and then store the temp files during shrinking. Then open a shell as the user that mirth runs as (you're not running it as root, are you?) and cd in...
Besides Entropy , the Buffett/Munger duo is another rabbit hole I find myself going down into often in these last days of the Xmas break. I liked this quote in particular: We can handle bad news, but we don't like them late
A few years ago I told my therapist that I felt conflicted about thinking about work when I was not at work. For example, while doing the dishes, being at the park with the kids, or riding the bike with them. As my therapist encouraged me to do ( what is the question? he would patiently ask when I would share a statement without a question), I then asked him: "Does that make me a bad father or husband?" What he said next, had a huge impact on how I felt about some of my actions. He asked me back: what is the one universal attribute that can make anything good or bad? I gave up after a solid 5 minutes, and then he revealed the answer to me: it's quantity. How much are you thinking about work? All the time, or every once in a while, when idling? Do you feel that it's so much that you are neglecting something or someone else more important (including myself)? It's like chocolate, he continued: one spoon is ok, the whole jar not quite. Or wine: a glass is probably fi...