An alternative auditing strategy for Grails apps
In some applications it is useful, and in some case required, that the application audits some or all database operations: for instance to track when a user updates, deletes or inserts a record.
In Grails this is often handled by a plugin, like the Audit Logging plugin, which hooks into the Hibernate events and then logs the details to an audit table, including a timestamp, the user (if available) who initiated the operation and the type of operation.
Unfortunately the Audit Logging plugin suffers from some issues and if you, like me, have to ship today then you can only roll your own solution.
In this post I will lay out a solution which is simple, efficient and should work in most scenarios. The general requirements are:
With every request it calls a package function which sets the username of the currently logged in user on the database side. Note that the username is retrieved from the request and is authentication-framework agnostic, as long as the framework complies with J2EE standards (Spring Security does, in case you're wondering).
Note that this is a Grails filter, not a J2EE filter.
In Grails this is often handled by a plugin, like the Audit Logging plugin, which hooks into the Hibernate events and then logs the details to an audit table, including a timestamp, the user (if available) who initiated the operation and the type of operation.
Unfortunately the Audit Logging plugin suffers from some issues and if you, like me, have to ship today then you can only roll your own solution.
In this post I will lay out a solution which is simple, efficient and should work in most scenarios. The general requirements are:
- only one datasource
- the underlying dbms must have triggers and some kind of session variables (most do, but I'll focus on Oracle)
- quartz jobs, background operations and other activities not necessarily initiated by an http request must properly initialize the connection (like the filter does) or auditing of the user will not work. But on second thought these items are not always 'owned' by a user, or are they? I guess this last item depends mostly on your requirements
The astute reader will note that item 1 or the case when multiple datasources are present can be easily generalized from the proposed solution. If you have a solution I'll be glad to post/link it.
The solution requires the creationg of a Grails filter which sets a session variable holding the details of the logged-in user owning the current request. The session variable can then be accessed by standard DBMS triggers/procedures and logged together with the operation details without the application even knowing it.
Besides being faster (no round trips to the database, except for the session setup at the beginning of the request) the auditing will be active even in case of changes made by external sql tools.
I will be using Oracle as the underlying database for this post and Grails 2.0.x. Again I will gladly link to solutions for other DBMS.
The filter
The filter in itself is pretty simple and I think there is actually not much that needs explaining:
import groovy.sql.Sql class OracleAuditFilters { def filters = { alterSession(uri: '/**') { before = { def session = grailsApplication.mainContext.sessionFactory.currentSession if(session!=null && session.connection()!=null) { def sql=new Sql(session.connection()) sql.execute("select audit_user.au_set(?) from dual",[request.getRemoteUser()?request.getRemoteUser():"ANONYMOUS"]) } } after = { Map model -> } afterView = { Exception e -> } } } }
With every request it calls a package function which sets the username of the currently logged in user on the database side. Note that the username is retrieved from the request and is authentication-framework agnostic, as long as the framework complies with J2EE standards (Spring Security does, in case you're wondering).
Note that this is a Grails filter, not a J2EE filter.
DBMS session variable code
Oracle has support for session variables though user created contexts, but frankly it looks like more pain than gain. I will then resort to an alternative solution that exploits a particular feature of package variables. Package variables in fact behave much like session variables in the sense that each session has its own instance of a package variable that can be set/get indipendently of other sessions.
The code for the package is shown below, please note the use of the package variable login:
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE audit_user AS FUNCTION au_get RETURN varchar2; FUNCTION au_set(username in varchar2) RETURN varchar2; END audit_user; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY audit_user AS login varchar2(20); function au_get RETURN varchar2 IS begin RETURN login; END get; function au_set(username in varchar2) RETURN varchar2 IS begin login:=username; RETURN login; END get; END audit_user; /
I think now you're seeing how this goes: the filter calls the audit_user.au_set() function which inform the database of the user who will be performing the next operations.
Any database code can now access the currently connected user by invoking:
I have not tried it, but it should even work in column defaults (as long as the audit_user package has already been declared).
Any database code can now access the currently connected user by invoking:
I have not tried it, but it should even work in column defaults (as long as the audit_user package has already been declared).
Audit trigger example
The following sql is code for an Oracle auditing trigger. The actual auditing code is omitted as it is not relevant to the post and likely to change depending on preferences and requirements. Note the use of the audit_user.au_get function again and the fallback to the currently connected user when it is null (i.e. when using an sql tool like sqlplus).CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER MYTABLE_AUD AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON MYTABLE FOR EACH ROW DECLARE v_operation CHAR(1); v_username VARCHAR(30); BEGIN IF INSERTING THEN v_operation := 'I'; ELSIF DELETING THEN v_operation := 'D'; ELSE v_operation := 'U'; END IF; -- returns the user connected to the web application SELECT audit_user.au_get INTO V_USERNAME FROM DUAL; IF V_USERNAME IS NULL THEN V_USERNAME:=user; -- returns the user currently connected to oracle END IF;