I have written and would like to share with the world a groovy script that can be used to drive VCB backups without additional third party software. One of the most common gripes with VCB is that it doesn't integrate naturally into the VMWare management solution. Of course one can always buy a license for the integration module of his backup software, but that costs additional money. Some people then resort to script VCB so that additional licenses are not necessary but that, of course, requires scripting skills. Which also means reinventing the wheel just another time. This has happened to me too recently and I decided that ok, I would reinvent the damn wheel, but this time I would also make sure that the blueprint goes public! So I wrote this groovy script which I creatively named Simple VCB which does some nice things like: handles more than one esx, vcenter or vsphere server so that you don't have to split your configuration and schedules in more than one scrip...